Friday, August 14, 2009


cikzetty jiwang arini.... wuuuuuu TT.TT

ahh.. tade.tade.
aritu balek tgk mv ni kat channel v, yg amp around asia xsilap. then teros jatoh chenta... :D
bia laa berkurun dh pon kuwa lagu ni. tapi.. nak post jugak. janji layannnn~

CINTA, by Nitrus.

i always love nitrus. and i always like Eddie, this muchhhh *stretch hands*. hehe :p *laki org tu cik kak oiii...
dari "rasa".. ke "kamu".. pastu "hujung dunia".. then "resah".. and now "cinta". they always come out with beautiful songs. great music. deep words.

tamau ckp psl music ke pebende.. sbb tatau pon. tapi tang lyrics. waaaa.. gilakkk besttt!! malas nak ckp byk. alaa.. sume org de common sense kan. so lu piker laa sniri.. nak bg definisi cinta tu kat mane. boy-girl relationship yg mcm dh nak muntah ijau dh dengar.. atau cinta kat parents ke..... adik-beradik ke.. harta benda skalipon.. and even cinta kpd pencipta.. those words suit 'em well tho..

so.. that's it. simple yet meaningful.

p/s: nak lirik google sniri.



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