Friday, October 17, 2008

F.O.U.R !!

failed my 4th anatomy microtest. it's very frustrating. after struggling so hard, memorizing name of those muscles (plus the origin, insertion, functions and the innervations), having approximately 4 hours of sleep. (plus++, i wasnt feeling really well on the day before) but in the end of the day, i still got 4 for the microtest. in the other word, FAILED! it is achingly painful, looking at those friends who got 1. thinking bout those times spent to memorize every single word in that buku cenonet filled with conteng2. didnt even had my breakfast and only ate mnam mnam's bread with apple+cinnamon filling for lunch. this is soOoOOoo frustrating, sigh~ this wud be better if i just read the lecture notes and memorizing the answers for compiled microtest Qs given by the seniors. isnt it? hehh. i got 1 for the first 2 microtests, only by refering to the lecture notes! but this... ahhh. sigh~

tamau study. malas. penat.
malas. malas.
nanti-nanti laa. :(

( T.T )



Anonymous said...

Hello,yg dpt 1 3 org sj.
Dun b so down k. Betolkan niat. Bc untuk pengetahuan spjg hidup bkn semata microtest sj. Usaha lg.

heliantuse said...


cik penjaja bijan, jangan risau. Result microtest tu da ditetapkan. Kan qada' & qadar tu Allah da ditetapkan. Maksudnya Allah x tgk result cik bijan pun, tp pd usaha cik bijan. moga2 tido yg 4 jam tu berat timbangan pahalanya.

In reality, many of us did well throughout the microtests but suffered during the final. Why? Because we didn't understand the concept. memorising lectures like parrots but the knowledge didn't get into heart. take ur time to understand anatomy and histo, ok.

keep up the hard work. Insha Allah org beriman tinggi kesabarannya. Ganbattei ne!

kokochan said...

i do agree with what kak hanis tapi faham the topic xpa..sebb sumtime fail tu pon due to small mistake like error in writing blablabla kan bukan kita xpaham..but pass by memorizing the pas year microtest tu memng sgt2 berbahaya.. u will understand it when the Final comes.. keep fighting, i noe it's hurt seeing people around u passed but u're not.just remember jgn meragui pertolongan Allah..setiap usaha kita akan dinilai dengan seadil-adilnya..mungkin bukan harini kita berjya,esok lusa rezeki kita sapa tahukan.. medicine here is very demanding but it's do help us to become a strong person in order to face the medical world l8r..dont give up oke~

zettyshafiqa said...

Feeling kinda silly wrote this entry actually. i was really disappointed at that time, since i hd put so much effort for the microtest. But after that, i realized that we cant get everything we want in life. yet, i didnt being grateful for what i’ve already had. it’s the matter of rezeki jugak, and of course, “kun fayakun”. btw,thnx for those advices. feel so much better nw.


cik Iyllyana said...

yeah. dont think bout this too much. i knw, u cn do and survive all this, babe. 5-6 years to go. chaiyo! :)

Syazwani'Aqilah said...

betuk kokochan and Kak Hanis..
the microtest tu sekadar nak tahu kefahaman and pengetahuan sahaja if we fail it means kite kena usaha lagi..


setiap kali kite rasa payah..ingat ALLAH tak pernah akan tinggalkan kita

Anonymous said...

go go zetty...u can do it!

keyLa said...

aku da kali ketige...
relax je..
